

L&R Charity – We connect: This is the name of our Corporate Social Sponsoring programme, and we have been supporting international projects that bring different generations together under this title since 2015.

The special thing about this is that we are supporting projects close to our colleagues’ hearts. And bringing old and young together is a primary focus here. As a group of companies that understands the values of a family business, this is extremely important for us.

Our CSS projects in 2023

The forest kindergarten group at the Anhausen kindergarten in Rhineland-Palatinate is regularly visited by local pensioners. They do handicrafts, cook and bake together.
When the weather was bad, the forest kindergarten group children found shelter in an outdated, discarded portacabin. It was no longer safe for young and old and a new shelter was needed.
This request gave rise to our L&R colleague's project of heart: In place of the old portacabin, a yurt was to become the new shelter for the children and senior citizens.
With his well-founded CSS project submission and his commitment, he was able to convince the entire L&R CSS committee and secure the purchase of a new yurt with 9,000 euros

Cancer can affect anyone. It is just as important as the medical treatment that affected women and girls regain self-confidence and a good feeling for their own body and appearance during and after the therapies.
The non-profit organization “feel again”( from Austria offers free make-up courses to girls and women suffering from cancer.

In order to be able to offer participants a comfortable space, they also rent premises. Our L&R colleague is passionate about the association's concept. She championed the idea of the association. Her commitment was supported by L&R with 5,000 euros.

Product Donations 2023

In 2023, the world was unfortunately confronted with numerous different natural disasters at different places - including Turkey/Syria or Morocco - and wars, such as in Ukraine, Israel/Gaza. Together with its partner organizations, L&R supports the victims of these terrible events as well as people in other places of need with extensive product donations.

In total, more than 800 pallets were handed over to 19 organizations for distribution in 31 countries in 2023. Our subsidiary L&R Croatia, in particular, was once again exceptionally involved in providing aid to Ukraine after 2022.

Our CSS projects in 2022

At the beginning of 2022, we received a project submission from a colleague in Germany. He is a dedicated volunteer firefighter in Damscheid. In March, L&R supported the generation weekend of the three ages sections of the fire brigade with 3,000 euros. During the weekend, the fire pond was cleared of dead wood and new signage was installed for the forest nature trail.

In spring also the project of a colleague from France was completed. The intention of his project was to facilitate contact between nursing home residents and their relatives in times of pandemic, when face2face visits are/were not possible. To improve exchange, iPads were purchased. L&R supported this project of heart with 1,500 euros.

The kindergarten in Bad Hönnigen / Germany regularly visits the nearby centre for senior citizens to make music together. Unfortunately, a few musical instruments were missing. A colleague took this as an opportunity to submit his project idea. With L&R's support, musical instruments worth 500 euros could be bought.


Productdonations: For the victims of the Ukraine war and beyond!

Never before in the history of L&R we have donated as many products as in 2022! The all-dominant conflict in 2022 and therefore the target country for most donated items was Ukraine. This year, a total of more than 450 pallets of medical products were donated - almost 300 of them went to Ukraine and its neighbouring countries. Above all, our subsidiary L&R Croatia was extraordinarily committed to helping the victims of the Ukraine war. Summing up all donations to Ukraine, our commitment is worth more than 835,000 euros!

Read more about L&R's support for Ukraine here.

The other donation products were handed to our fixed partner organisations, that supported victims of wars, natural disasters or disadvantaged people in 32 countries around the world.

Our CSS projects in 2021

  • In early 2021, we were able to provide support for a colleague from France with 1,000 euros for her Project in the Congo in Africa. This provided financing towards building accommodation for homeless people and orphans there.
  • An idea from a colleague from our site in Germany was financed too. He was working to ensure that the multi-generational house in Neuwied was able to obtain plants and other materials for its Generation Garden, and make it blossom. A lot could be bought with 7,000 euros.
  • Again in the first months of the year, we were able to provide Neuwied Zoo with 6,000 euros of support for purchasing plants - support that was very important, especially in the wake of those difficult months when the zoo was unable to welcome any visitors. A committed colleague of ours from Rengsdorf submitted the project and secured our support.
  • An entire L&R team from Austria was heavily involved in organising games and craft afternoons for multiple generations in the SenaCura Group's retirement homes. Of course, it is important to have the right materials, such as games and craft materials that can be used by young and old alike. L&R rewarded this idea with 2,500 euros.
  • Residents of St. Joseph Home in the Czech Republic (who are sufferers of multiple sclerosis) will be given the opportunity to attend cultural and experience events. This was the heartfelt desire of our Czech colleagues. L&R fulfilled this wish by offering 5,000 euros. The residents already enjoyed one trip in autumn with more to follow.
  • The Freundeskreis der Lebensmittelretter e.V. association in Germany urgently needed a new cold store for food donated to both the young and the old. Two committed colleagues submitted their marvellous project idea and received a sponsorship payment of 3,000 euros towards it.
  • Another of our German colleagues felt it was important to encourage acceptance between generations. He was promised 5,000 euros for the revival of the sports club NDKV in Niederdürenbach. The funds will be used to purchase various types of gymnastics equipment for intergenerational gymnastics groups.
  • Under the title “Poor & Rich”, an exhibition at the Dom Museum in Vienna deals with the contrasts between poverty and wealth. A Viennese colleague was looking to support special guided tours, where seniors and children can learn from one another. An amount of 5,100 euros was allocated to make it possible to provide suitable accompanying material for the exhibition visitors.

L&R product donations and special donations

For many years the L&R Group has been donating products via our partner organisations (e.g. Humedica e. V., Human Plus e. V., Caritas Wien, Hilfswerk Wien, Partenariat 57, Diospi Suyana) to regions and people in need. More than 200 pallets in total were delivered from our logistics centres in Germany, Austria and France in 2021! Our donated products are being used in more than 30 countries.

What’s more, we are also there to help at very short notice when tragic events occur in countries where L&R is present. This is what happened this year, for example, following the natural disasters in Germany (floods), the Czech Republic (tornadoes) and Algeria (forest fires). Here L&R supported aid organisations, institutions, communities or people directly on the ground with special donations.

L&R commitment after the floods in Germany

Shortly after the terrible events in July of this year, an emergency relief team was formed at L&R. The L&R Executive Board provided the team with 75,000 euros in order to provide fast, bureaucracy-free help in the affected areas in the Ahr valley. In order to give our international colleagues the opportunity to donate as well, an L&R donation account was set up for the campaign for the first time. A total of 11,000 euros was paid into this account. In addition, colleagues donated a team bonus worth 15,000 euros. 

All in all, L&R was able to provide support where help was needed most, with a total donation of over 100,000 euros. This sum was used to finance a wide range of things, such as first aid kits for those assisting on scene, purchasing food for the soup kitchen to help provide supplies for affected people and those helping on the ground, procuring working materials (shovels, wheelbarrows, work gloves, for organisations and private teams of aid staff), overnight accommodation in a nearby hotel for people suddenly made homeless, buying toys and ice cream to support a holiday camp for affected children, playground equipment for the completely destroyed outdoor area of the DRK specialist clinic for children and young people with psychiatric disorders in Bad Neuenahr, and a monetary donation to 21 families from Dernau whose houses were so badly damaged that complete renovation was necessary.

L&R’s commitment after the tornado in the Czech Republic

On the evening of 24 June 2021, a tornado with wind speeds of up to 400 km/h left a path of devastation 26 kilometres long and up to 700 metres wide in the south-east of the Czech Republic. 6 people lost their lives, 200 were injured. More than 1200 houses were damaged. 

As a company in the healthcare sector and a provider of medical devices, it was immediately clear how L&R could initially help the victims of the tornado. We donated medical devices for acute care to the hospitals in Břeclav and Hodonín. Our employees also started collecting money for the victims of the tornado the day after the disaster, and soon after that they were also able to make a monetary donation through their pay slips. L&R Czech Republic and the Executive Board of the L&R group quickly decided to provide additional help to the affected region and the people living there. L&R donated a total of CZK 1 million to the three badly-affected villages of Moravská Nová Ves, Lužice and Hrušky. By making this contribution, we are providing long-term support for the reconstruction works, and are trying to do our bit to help secure a future for these people and villages.


Rumpelstil乐队在德国高本斯(Koblenz)举办的手电筒音乐会是一个老少咸宜的露天活动。2016年,这个由 'Bunter Kreis Rheinland e.V.' 发起及组织的慈善活动首次来到高本斯。应项目赞助人Petra Butter的要求,L&R成为主要赞助商之一。同时,L&R 在 2017年再次加入赞助商行列。活动场地座落莱茵河畔的德国角落前,从面部彩绘到气球大赛等多项娱乐节目让超过二千名游客宾至如归。当然,随后的手电筒音乐会更是光芒四射,点亮了整个晚上。像过去一样,这活动的所有收益将会拨捐重病儿童家庭。我们非常自豪能够在社会和各企业的支持下继续支持这一无与伦比的慈善活动。 


在这句座右铭的驱动下,L&R项目赞助人Anja Gasteiger为年轻人和老年人组织游泳课程。共有12名老年人和10名儿童参加了五个连续的课程以学习游泳。最年长的参加者是86岁的老年人,真是倍感自豪的年纪!在公共泳池 "WAVE" 里(位于奥地利Wörgl市),每位参加者都可以在专业的指导和监督下练习和学习游泳技巧。为了克服恐惧和疑虑,年轻人和老年人热情地互相支持打气。之后,参加者聚首一堂,一起品尝炸薯条和冰淇淋的经典美食组合。这段共处的时光是多么的美好啊!通常,这种别出心裁的活动才可以真正地将几代人聚集一起。所以,这就是为什么在这件事上保持积极并作出贡献对我们如此重要。 


我们与奥地利维也纳的Neunerhaus携手合作定期捐赠产品,至今已经有一段时间了。因此,我们能够为无家可归者及他们的爱宠的医疗保健做出宝贵贡献。由于我们员工Ivana Augustinovic的个人承诺,让我们现在可以在这件相当不平凡的事情上做出进一步贡献,并继续支持Neunerhaus。 今时今日,每个人似乎都在四处迁移,我们国家也正经历持续的移民潮,于是处理无家可归者的新挑战就出现了。这就是说,有些人可能听不懂或不会说德语,例如,医疗保健的沟通和咨询就会变得极具挑战性。为了改善沟通,增加理解,Neunerhaus 投资了一个视频翻译工具。我们向这个项目提供资金,我们非常自豪能够成为一个如此伟大的计划的一分子。2017年,得益于这个翻译工具,超过700个咨询视频已经成功翻译成22种语言。


5月2日,我们在法国的同事与当地的儿童足球训练中心携手合作,并在项目赞助人Morgan Chebion的倡议下,为位于Epinal的儿童之家的师生举办了足球活动日。这个小组参观了足球俱乐部AS Nancy-Lorraine的足球训练中心,以及Marcel-Picot足球体育馆。下午时分,无论是小孩子还是大孩子,所有孩子都有机会在签名环节中真正接触到他们的足球偶像。最后,作为这次活动的亮眼一笔,每位参加者都可以在粉丝商店里挑选一份小礼物。对于每个参加者来说,这次活动真是一次极棒的体验。 


由于我们在全球运营,因此我们不会把企业的社会责任局限于某些国家或地区内,而是不分国界地承担着社会责任。当法国站点的员工Sonia Hamdi带着她的项目到我们面前时,我们都被她的承诺和勇气深深打动。她是姆布吉马伊(Mbuji-Mayi)地区的孤儿的教母,并支持着位于法国塞尔翁附近的 “Chemins d’Arc en Ciel” 协会。他们照顾着非洲刚果25所学校、孤儿院、产科诊所及医疗中心。除了经济援助外,该协会极度需要书籍、笔、衣服、营养品及医疗产品(用于其医疗中心)的捐赠。目前,他们需要财政支持,以保护并进一步为刚果姆布吉马伊(Mbuji-Mayi)地区的孤儿及处于不同年龄层的无家可归者建造新的住房。所以,我们抓住这个机遇,向Sonia Hamdi在这项目中的感人参与做出贡献。


座落在伦斯多夫(Rengsdorf)L&R总部的拐角处,一家面积非常小但五脏俱全的商店为贫困人士提供家庭基本用品。该商店由当地的社区工会经营,我们的员工和项目赞助人Fabian Jacobi亦积极参与经营事宜。他趁机接触“L&R慈善机构-we connect”以取得财务支持,让他们可以在商店内建立一个会面角。建立会面角后,相关人员之间的沟通和支持都将会得到提升。我们愉快地加入这个项目之中,并帮助会面角的建立成为现实。值得注意的是,该商店的所有利益全数用于社会项目中。因此,该商店不仅为贫困人员提供价格相宜的产品和货品,如餐具、眼镜等,还可以通过投资更多项目以获得更多利益。受到这个伟大的社会社区工作范例的启发,我们正在考虑在伦斯多夫(Rengsdorf)组织一些称为“捐赠日”的活动。在这些活动中,每个人都可以送出他/她们用不着的多余物品,然后我们会将这些物品转交给当地商店,以便他们向有需要人员发放。


在几年前,Sani Zanskar协会和亚琛大学附属医院合作,在印度Sani兴建了一个能源自给自足的乡公所,作为医疗中心和冬季学校。由于该中心地处偏远的喜马拉雅山中,季候很恶劣,因此该中心急需修葺工作。通过项目教父Martin Pohl的介绍,在L&R的支持下,Heimbach-Weis城区部分童子军于2017年8月来到印度Sani,和其他志愿者和当地居民一道对乡公所进行修葺。


火灾受害者们不仅仅需要得到身体上的治疗,也需要心灵上的抚慰。2017年6月于巴西圣保罗市附近举办的Camp Samba就是专为7到15岁的青少年们提供治疗。除了讲述给予伤疤处理的知识以外,还分组向孩子们讲述了如何克服烧伤之后的心理负担。此外,还有自己曾有过遭受烧伤经历的成年人照料的各种活动,这样可以最佳地帮助孩子们克服心理负担。通过项目教父Sascha Eichert的介绍,这个活动得到了L&R的支持。


公益性的帮助儿童协会BenefitZ的任务之一是为帮助儿童的项目募捐。协会的成员们活动于德国科布伦茨市的各个集市和其他活动场所,他们销售高质量的手工制品例如提袋和装饰品。鉴于该协会工作的加强,协会需要添置缝纫机、货架和运输盒。通过项目教父Ulrich Theis的建议,L&R在2017年为协会添置这些物品提供了帮助。


长期以来,项目教母Margarete Leimberger一直利用其业余时间照料奥地利Purkersdorf某教育中心的孩子们。该教育中心负责教育有智力和/或身体障碍的孩子们。在这个教育中心上学的孩子们来自于八个国家,由此就有了举办跨文化的下午烹饪活动的想法。在活动中,孩子们可以和兄弟姊妹、父母以及爷爷奶奶们一起烹饪。2017年春季,该教育中心的学生和家人们有机会品尝了不同国家的典型美味佳肴。

共度时光 — 相互学习

在这句口号的指导下,由L&R项目教父Steffen Brenner负责领导,在德国Niederbreitbach日托所兴建了一个世代园圃。在2017年春季修建的高圃中种了色拉菜和其他蔬菜,还在日托所现有的花园中种了浆果灌木、葡萄和水果树。整个园圃由日托所的孩子们及其兄弟姊妹、父母、爷爷奶奶们负责护理。


德国莱茵兰—法耳茨州门迪西市每年都会在基督降临节期间举办“圣诞节前的火焰秀”活动,活动中包括老少咸宜的丰富多彩的节目,当然也不乏各种美味佳肴。活动的收入用于当地的青少年工作。相当长的一段时间以来,人们计划能够修筑一个车棚,以便存放活动材料,也可在气候条件不好时将“火焰秀”的部分活动转移到防风雨的棚中进行。通过项目教父Harald Frank的介绍,L&R为修建该车棚提供了经费,在众多志愿人员的努力下,该车棚于2016年秋天修建完毕并于2016年的基督降临节期间的“火焰秀”活动中首次启用。


2016年秋季,捷克共和国俄斯特拉发市举办了两期急救学习班,学习班的学员是爷爷奶奶们,学习内容是如何处理儿孙们发生的紧急情况。除了在学习班上的知识传授之外,参加学习班的爷爷奶奶们还可以随时查阅广泛信息资料,以便随时温习所学知识。学习班很受大众的欢迎,很短时间内就已经满员,而且捷克的电视中也对这项由L&R项目教父Tomáš Folkner发起并负责实施的项目作了报道。


乐队“Rumpelstil”每年都在德国科布伦茨市举办老少咸宜的手电灯光音乐会:该音乐会直接在莱茵河畔举办,以德意志之角为背景,音乐会期间还举行其他丰富多彩的活动,例如儿童彩妆和气球比赛。音乐会的高潮是手电之歌。在歌声中,观众们亮起随身带的手电,将整个音乐会场地照耀得如同天上璀璨的繁星。活动的收入捐赠给专为孩子患有重病的家庭提供支持的Bunter Kreis Rheinland e.V.协会。在L&R项目教母Petra Butter的倡议下,L&R在2016年作为主要赞助人对该活动提供赞助。


2016年年初,德国柏林市Elisabethstift学校萌发与学校附近养老院共同举办音乐和创意活动的创意,由学生和养老院居民们参加的活动安排在下午的时间进行,L&R为购置乐器以及创意材料提供了资金。在此期间,在下午举行音乐和创意活动已经成为学校和养老院社会生活的一个组成部分,每一个学年都有活动安排。学校手工制作小组为养老院老人们制作各种各样小礼品,在养老院定期举办小型音乐会,学生和老人们之间建立帮助关系,养老院的老人们还会参加学校的活动,例如夏日节或者圣诞礼拜。在项目教母Eva Ebert的帮助下,这项由L&R启动的项目已经有了很强的自身活力,即使不依赖L&R资助,项目仍能得以继续。 


2016年夏天,L&R项目教母Anja Gasteiger在奥地利蒂罗尔组织了多次出游活动,参加者们为蒂罗尔不同年龄组的难民,包括孩子和成年人,另外还有当地两个养老院的居民们参加。在共同的业余活动例如参观牧场和乘船游览的过程中,参加者们互相认识了解,从而很快建立友谊和帮助关系。除了为刚到的难民们就学校作业、政府部门办事或者寻找住房方面提供帮助之外,还使得没有父母陪伴的未成年难民和养老院老人们之间建立帮助关系,使双方都受益。


德国库克斯港—不莱梅港儿童临终关怀协会成立于2016年9月30日,其工作是为罹患不治之症的儿童及其父母、兄弟姊妹提供关怀,也为遭受死产或者流产的家庭子女及其父母提供援助。除了因人而异的个性化哀伤处理所需的时间段之外,还需要营造一个宜人的气氛环境,以便涉及到的人可以从哀伤期慢慢地过渡到日常生活。建立一个游戏相会场所,使孩子及家人们、志愿服务人员可以共同度过一段时光,营造宜人的气氛环境。在项目教母Karima Köppen的倡导下,L&R参加了这一计划的实施。


25年来,德国Heimbach-Weis的白俄罗斯之友协会一直为生活在白俄罗斯核辐射地区的人们积极提供援助。设有专门的儿童项目,使他们有机会在未受到核辐射的德国逗留三个星期,逗留期间可以就医和采购必要用品。L&R项目教父Fabian Jacobi和这个协会有传统联系,因为其祖父母是这个协会的创始成员。在他的倡导下,L&R于2016年承担了约60名儿童从白俄罗斯到Neuwied的旅行费用。在德国逗留期间,这些儿童们得到协会成员们的照顾。


德国Niederzissen镇计划在2016年春季修建一个可供多代人使用的游戏体育场所,不仅可以供儿童们游戏,而且也有一系列健身器械供成年人使用。其中有的健身器械是专门满足老年人的需求。通过项目教父Armin Retterath介绍,L&R承担了修建游戏体育场所的部分费用。该游戏体育场所于2016年4月开始启用,成为该镇民众健身和聚会场所。


每年基督降临节期间,德国Neuwied市圣诞屋是人们喜欢去的地方,无论小孩还是成年人。在项目教父Meikel Rockenfeller的倡导下,L&R于2015年提供经费以用于购置装饰材料和耗材。圣诞屋收入向来都是捐赠给由科布伦茨市莱茵报发起的“帮助我们生活”这一倡导活动,该项目在2015年为该活动筹集了8,000欧元。

作为L&R员工,如果您有我们可以支持的爱心项目,那么请您担任项目教父或者教母,将您的项目通过 提交给我们!