Publication search

    Our research and development teams operate at a global level and generate synergies from our collective expertise and by drawing on related disciplines. We are also constantly exchanging information at an international level with independent technical institutions, key opinion leaders and multipliers in order to be able to ensure cooperation and knowledge management of the highest order. As part of this process, we also conduct extensive research, the results of which we continually present in workshops, at conferences and symposiums - either in documentation or talks given by our cooperation partners - and also publish in renowned scientific journals. This database contains a large number of these evidence-based scientific articles, most of which have been evaluated by independent assessors:

    1. Journal article

      Gepolsterte Cast-Schuhe zur effektiven Druckentlastung diabetischer Fußulzera

      DVG report 2005 2223

      Diabetische Fußulzera gehören weltweit zu den häufigsten Ursachen für Amputationen im Bereich der unteren Extremitäten. Alleine in Deutschland sind nach Schätzungen der AOK für das Jahr 2001 ca. 29.000 Diabetiker betroffen, das entspricht fast 70% aller nicht-traumatischen Amputationen. Säulen der Therapie dieser diabetesbedingten Läsionen sind ein fachgerecht ausgeführtes Wunddebridement und die Entfernung avitalen Gewebes, eine adäquate lokale Wundversorgung und eine effektive Druckentlastung. Insbesondere der Druckentlastung kommt in diesem Behandlungsschema eine ganz entscheidende Rolle zu. Nur so können die Druckspitzen in den betroffenen Fußregionen wirkungsvoll minimiert und wundfördernde Scherkräfte vermieden werden. Während bisher in Deutschland zur Druckentlastung vorrangig therapeutisches Schuhwer (z.B. Vorfußentlastungsschuhe) eingesetzt werden, wird in anderen Ländern, beispielsweise in den USA, die Druckentlastung mittels vollflächigem Gips- oder Castverband (Total Contact Cast) bereits über 20 Jahre praktiziert2, 3 . Die in der Literatur beschriebenen Heilungsraten dieser Behandlungsmethode sind überzeugend, dennoch ist dieses Prinzip in Deutschland bisher

      noch wenig verbreitet. Zur Testung der Effektivität einer Druckentlastung durch individuell angepasste, gepolsterte Cast-Schuhe, ähnlich dem Prinzip des „Total Contact Cast“, wurde diese Pilotstudie initiiert. Die Durchführung erfolgte in der Chirurgischen Ambulanz des DRK-Krankenhauses in Hachenburg in Zusammenarbeit mit einer diabetologisch qualifizierten Allgemeinarztpraxis. Zusätzlich zur Druckentlastung wurde die Wundheilung mit Produkten der Modernen Wundversorgung unterstützt.

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    2. Journal article

      Acti-Glide: A simple method of applying compression hosiery

      British journal of community nursing 2005 10(5) 244246
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    3. Journal article

      Stages of wound healing: application in practice

      Wounds UK 2005 1(2) 79
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    4. Poster

      Der erfolgreiche Einsatz von Suprasorb® C, ein Kollagen-Wundverband, an zehn Patienten mit chirurgischen, sekundärheilenden Wunden

      Poster presented at DGfW 2004 24.09.2004 Weimar, Germany
    5. Poster

      Inactivation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 by Suprasorb® C

      Poster presented at WUWHS 2004 08.07.2004 Paris, France
      Products Suprasorb C
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    6. Poster

      Chronic wounds influenced by the wound dressing Suprasorb® C - effect on platelet-derived growth factor and coagulation factor XIII

      Poster presented at WUWHS 2004 08.07.2004 Paris, France
      Products Suprasorb C
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    7. Poster

      Beta and gamma radiated collagen and native Suprasorb® C – their antioxidative properties and potential for chronic wounds

      Poster presented at WUWHS 2004 08.07.2004 Paris, France
      Products Suprasorb C
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    8. Poster

      Chronic wounds influenced by the collagen wound dressing Suprasorb® C- effect on PMN elastase

      Poster presented at WUWHS 2004 08.07.2004 Paris, France
      Products Suprasorb C
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    9. Poster

      Swelling and Degradation of Collagen Minirods

      Poster presented at WUWHS 2004 08.07.2004 Paris, France
      Products Suprasorb C
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    10. Poster

      The successful use of Suprasorb® C, a collagen wound dressing, on ten patients with mainly severe surgical wounds

      Poster presented at WUWHS 2004 08.07.2004 Paris, France


      Regarding the years of successful use Suprasorb® C of Lohmann & Rauscher (a special wound dressing composed of collagen type I), we performed a case study on nine patients with very large and mainly surgical wounds of a severe nature. The purpose was to demonstrate the effective and practical use of collagen dressings in these cases.



      Descriptive investigation by determined criteria, put in a special form, was used to document the treatment as detailed as possible.



      The average age of the patients was 60 years. Four of them had a postoperative wound disturbance in the abdominal area. A surgical removing of debris had been executed on 3 patients. Maggots were used on one patient to clean the wound area. In a single case honey and silver dressings were used to cure infections. Because of an extremely large wound in four cases, vacuum sealing was used to initiate wound closure. We used modern wound care products of the Suprasorb® line around the tenth day of treatment. In seven cases we applied firstly the alginate in order to clean the wound furthermore. We resumed treatment with collagen (Suprasorb® C) in all nine cases to accelerate the healing process of the wound. Foil and foam wound dressings were used additionally as secondary wound dressings to cover up the wound. Additional therapy was not necessary. The average wound surface at the beginning of the treatment was 101,5 cm2. At the end, it had been decreased to an average of 2,8 cm2 in 76 days, which meant a reduction of 97,2%.



      Suprasorb® C is a patient-friendly and effective wound care product to heal secondary healing wounds eg severe surgical wounds. Further investigation concerning the duration of the wound healing process in comparison to conventional wound treatment is advisory.

      Products Suprasorb C
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