10 February

L&R's Certification Check

ISO standards & rating platforms

The maze of international inspection and certification bodies and award programmes can be rather confusing if a company decides to hold itself accountable in terms of its sustainability policy and to submit to an external review.

Two ISO standards (environmental and energy management) in particular and the EcoVadis sustainability ratings and Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex) certification, are relevant for L&R.. An overview.

EN ISO 50001 Energy management

What it’s about?

This standard is designed to help companies to systematically develop an energy management system and is used to certify the same.

What that means in concrete terms?

Energy management systems are used to identify and document potential areas for improving energy efficiency, saving energy and, consequently, for lowering energy costs. That means they are used to record and assess energy sources, energy use and consumption and efficiency. The certification verifies that the management system used is effective in helping a company to save energy on an ongoing basis. L&R appointed, among other things, a group-wide Energy Management Officer, created an energy management manual and appointed a qualified energy management officer with team for each certified country with its sites.

Examples of associated measures?

Use of LED lights to reduce energy consumption (in the Czech Republic, China etc.), introduction of energy-saving chargers for the industrial trucks used by the logistics department (Schönau), external wall renovation (Schönau) and window replacement (Vienna) to reduce heating energy use.

Certified L&R facilities?

L&R production facilities in Germany and the Czech Republic (since 2015) and Austria (since 2016).

Good to know?

A new standard, ISO 50003, which not only requires even higher energy efficiency but also objective verification of the same (correct energy measuring technology), recently came into force – a challenge for many companies! ISO 50001 certification is valid for three years and is reviewed on an annual basis through surveillance audits.

EN ISO 14001 Environmental management

What it’s about?

This international standard specifies the requirements for an environmental management system and includes a number of other standards that an organisation can use to enhance and assess its environmental performance (including life-cycle analyses, environmental indicators).

What that means in concrete terms?

The standard is an improvement process related to enhancing “environmental performance”. In this context, environmental performance refers to applicable national legal requirements as well requirements defined by organisations themselves. As part of the certification process, L&R has appointed a group-wide Environment Officer, country-specific environment teams, environmental management officers and defined its environmental policy with associated targets.

Examples of associated measures?

Installation of a company-owned photovoltaic system and laundry machine replacement (Schönau), improvement of the cooling water control system (Neuwied), appeal for “paperless” offices (group-wide), car-sharing platform (Austria and Germany).

Certified L&R facilities?

L&R facilities in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, China, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland.

Good to know?

The certified L&R production facilities undergo annual surveillance audits and have to re-certify every three years. This is aimed at ensuring that the required corrective measures are implemented effectively.

EcoVadis CSR platform

What it’s about?

EcoVadis a leading international provider of sustainability ratings (ESG ratings). In 2020, the LR Group achieved silver status for its sustainability performance for the third time in a row.

What that means in concrete terms?

EcoVadis enables companies to evaluate their own sustainability performance, which then results in the company being awarded a bronze, silver, gold or platinum certificate. In order to maintain the silver status in 2020, a plus of 4 points in the score were necessary compared to the score in 2019. L&R was able to achieve that through significant improvements or measures in various areas.

The EcoVadis rating covers a wide range of non-financial management systems, including environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement impacts. Each company is rated on relevant topics according to its size, locations and industry. These evidence-based assessments are clarified in scorecards, which additionally highlight strengths and areas for improvement. These can be used to improve the assessed company's sustainability performance and develop action plans. EcoVadis has established partnerships with large multinational companies to promote sustainable global supply chains.


Certified L&R facilities?

The entire L&R Group.

Good to know?

Tens of thousands of companies work with EcoVadis to help improve sustainability performance with a common platform, universal scorecard, benchmarks and tools. The CSR activities of more than 75,000 companies in 160 countries are audited and certified once a year through EcoVadis, including L&R's suppliers. L&R can thus also view their CSR rating.


Sedex CSR platform

What it’s about?

Sedex is also a supplier and a platform for assessing CSR measures. The SMETA (Sedex Members' Ethical Trade Audit) audit process examines the four areas of labor standards, health and safety, environmental management, and corporate integrity.

What that means in concrete terms? 

The assessment procedure is based on an extensive questionnaire plus documentation, a risk assessment and an audit performed by a member of the SEDEX Audit Company Group (such as TÜV Rheinland). The assessment criteria are based on the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Code, which in turn is based on international standards and those of the ILO conventions (International Labour Organisation). The assessment focusses on questions such as overtime rules, freedom to found a works council, collective wage agreements, availability of clean water and toilets, child labour, compliance regulations etc. On completion of the audit, companies are presented an assessment report and plan for utilising their improvement potential.

Who is assessed?

The entire L&R Group.


Good to know?

SEDEX stands for Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. Its members also are able to check supplier compliance with corresponding guidelines through the data provided on the platform.



If you have any questions about sustainability, please contact Jasmine Schweitzer (jasmine.schweitzer@at.lrmed.com), L&R Corporate Sustainability Manager.