
    Unsere Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteams sind weltweit im Einsatz und generieren Synergien aus unserem Expertenwissen und verwandten Fachdisziplinen. Wir stehen im internationalen Austausch mit unabhängigen Fachinstitutionen, Key Opinion Leadern und Multiplikatoren, um so Kooperations- und Wissensmanagement auf höchstem Niveau gewährleisten zu können. Im Rahmen dessen führen wir umfangreiche Forschungen durch, die kontinuierlich auf Kongressen in Form von Postern oder freien Vorträgen unserer Kooperationspartner sowie in Symposien und Workshops präsentiert und in namhaften wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht werden. Die größtenteils von unabhängigen Gutachtern bewerteten, evidenzbasierten Fachpublikationen, stellen wir Ihnen in dieser Datenbank zur Verfügung:

    1. Poster

      Cost-effectiveness in Modern Wound Management Observation study with an HydroBalance biocellulose based wound dressing* in Germany

      Poster presented at WoundsUK 2008 10.11.2008 Harrogate, UK
      Further languages
    2. Poster

      First Italian experience with a polihexanide-containing HydroBalanced wound dressing* in hospitalized patients with critically-colonized or infected chronic wounds

      Poster presented at WoundsUK 2008 10.11.2008 Harrogate, UK
      Further languages
    3. Poster

      Comparison of the binding capacity of collagen from different origin for IL-1b and TNF-a

      Poster presented at WoundsUK 2008 10.11.2008 Harrogate, UK
      Products Suprasorb C
      Further languages
    4. Poster

      The in vitro formation of ROS/RNS is inhibited by polihexanide

      Poster presented at WoundsUK 2008 10.11.2008 Harrogate, UK
      Further versions
      Further languages
    5. Poster

      HydroBalanced wound dressing* and a ready-to-wear compression device** in the treatment of venous leg ulcers

      Poster presented at WoundsUK 2008 10.11.2008 Harrogate, UK
      Products Suprasorb X
      Further versions
      Further languages
    6. Poster

      Successful therapy of critically-colonised or locally infected wounds with a new HydroBalanced biocellulose-based wound dressing* with polihexanide on out-patients

      Poster presented at WoundsUK 2008 10.11.2008 Harrogate, UK
      Further versions
      Further languages
    7. Poster


      Poster presented at AIUC 2008 24.09.2008 Rome, Italy
    8. Poster

      Applicazione di una medicazione in biocellulosa a tecnologia HydroBalance + PHMB * in una ustione da piastra da elettrobisturi in cardiochirurgia

      Poster presented at AIUC 2008 24.09.2008 Rome, Italy
    9. Poster

      Miglioramento del trattamento di ulcere agli arti inferiori mediante una nuova medicazione Hydrobalance con PHMB associata a bendaggio compressivo multistrato

      Poster presented at AIUC 2008 24.09.2008 Rome, Italy
    10. Poster

      Trattamento di una lesione trofica in una paziente centenaria: nuova medicazione a base di cellulosa, compressione anelastica e innesto omologo

      Poster presented at AIUC 2008 24.09.2008 Rome, Italy