14. August

    More dynamic movement, less pain.

    My day with supports and orthoses.

    Supports & Orthoses – as unique as their users

    Everyone is different. And each person’s needs and clinical situation is just as unique as they are. With the CLASSIC, COMFORT and EXPERT product lines, L&R has developed a three-tier customer-care concept that offers solutions in the area of supports and orthoses for all patients and every indication.

    Friday morning, 10:00 a.m.

    Things are busy at the office. But even though I have tenosynovitis, all week I haven’t had any problems getting my work done. At a meeting this morning I gave a presentation on my new project. My boss was very happy with the results.

    Friday midday, 12:30 p.m.

    The nice package delivery guy probably also has wrist problems. Not surprising, with the many heavy packages he has to haul around every day. Luckily, today he brought us a sample of a new product we’ve been waiting for. Wonderful that we were able to get to by the end of the week.

    Friday afternoon, 4:30 p.m.

    Straight from work to the park to go jogging with Patrick. My dear friend twisted his ankle playing basketball and injured his foot. Now he wants to slowly get back to exercising again and I am happy to join him. Exercising outside in the fresh air is great for me too.

    Supports and orthoses, i.e. products for mobilisation, are used in many areas: for post-op care, to treat overuse injuries, after falls or to stabilise joints.

    For this range of uses, L&R has developed a treatment concept which addresses both our customers’ clinical pictures and their unique needs.

    Classic = Pure function in clear shape.
    For acute clinical pictures and short-term use.

    Comfort = Look good and feel good.
    For longer-term use, fashionable and comfortable to use.

    Expert = High performance at an expert level.
    For specialised indications and high performance and appearance standards.

    At work, when exercising or at home – supports and orthoses are used in any and all situations. With its 3-tier concept, L&R is making sure patients will be able to be treated with the right products for their needs.

    Friday evening, 6:30 p.m.

    Finally my honey is home; he has been away on a business trip all week. He had been worried that he was going to have to miss some of his appointments because of his back pain, but it all worked out. Now we’ll cook a delicious meal and then we’ll enjoy the rest of the evening just the two of us.

    Saturday morning, 8:30 a.m.

    Yoga with my friend Petra – I can’t think of a more relaxing way to start the weekend. She does her exercises every day and will even start teaching yoga classes soon. This is great because then she can teach me all the latest poses too.

    Saturday midday, 1:30 p.m.

    Now that Dad is retired he spends all his time working in the garden. That’s good because autumn isn’t that far off. The leaves are starting to fall from the trees so there is always something to do ...

    ... While he’s working hard outside, I can keep Mum company. She wants to help Dad, but she needs to rest her foot right now. So now we have time for mother-daughter talks again.

    Saturday afternoon 4:30 p.m.

    The light and the fall colours are so pretty today. It really makes me want to get out my easel and paint.  How wonderful that I can get right to it even though I have a hurt elbow. Without pain painting is fun again. If it’s this nice out again tomorrow, my honey and I will go for a long Sunday stroll.